We've been staying at my parent's house since the end of May, and we're finally going to move out here in a few days. For the time being, we'll be living at my parent's rental saving money up to hopefully buy a house within the next year or so. It still depends on where Zack gets hired though.
My job is going well at the bank. I've been there for about 4 months. I'm more and more confident as time passes, and I'm getting better at everything...definitely not perfect..but I'm feeling more like a teller, and less like a teller in training. I'd still love to work part-time at a coffeeshop as well as the bank, just to mix things up a bit and do something for fun. I feel like all I do is work, and I 'd like to actually work somewhere where I feel comfortable and really enjoy it.
Zack's 30th birthday is coming up...he's a little sad about it...but I keep reminding him of everything he's done up til this point..travelled to Europe atleast 8 times, got married, graduated college, moved across the country to go to law school, graduated law school, and passed the bar!!! If he's done all that and he's just now 30, I can't wait to see what he's going to go accomplish in the next 10 years!
Petey is doing well. He's a year and a month old now!He's getting bigger and bigger..although he's still pretty skinny.
This is a photo of him about a month ago. He's acting more like a snake now, because he's striking at his food now and almost constricting it. He used to just eat a mouse if it was lying there in the dish, but now we have to move the mouse around to pretend it's alive for him. A year and a half ago, I never would have thought I'd love to have a snake for a pet, but I really like it...it's not your normal cat or dog..it's definitely a converstaion piece, and it helps people to get over their fears of snakes! :)
Zack and I went to see one of our favorite musicians last week in Seattle...Martin Sexton! He was absolutely amazing...the guy doesn't even need a microphone. He played at the Town Hall, which is an old church building. The acoustics were unbelievable. He played solo, with only his guitar and his amazing voice. The venue holds about 800, and we were in the 3rd row, so it was amazing to be part of such an intimate musical performance. I can't wait to see him again!
Well, that's all for now. I'll post again when something else exciting happens!
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