Friday, February 27, 2009

You Say Goodbye, I Say Hello..

Hello, hello!

Well it is official..Zack and I will be moving to South Korea next month to start a new chapter in our lives. He will be an official Professor at Handong Global University!

We were talking the other day, realizing that both of us haven't had that moment of shock, thinking "holy crap..we're about to move across the world" ..and I came to the realization that it's not all that scary or different for just feels like a natural or normal direction for us to take next. I think it would be different if we had never left our hometown, let alone traveled outside the U.S. before..but since we've been a lot of places and love to travel..we're both really at peace with it and are excited to see what the future holds.

I'm sad to leave my favorite part of the U.S. again..but I sure am excited to see the "Ireland of the Orient" and experience a whole new part of the world.


Jessica and Joe said...

Good luck and be sure to Blog often so we all know what you two are up to!

Anonymous said...

we will miss you, it was great having you work for the team, thanks a lot for Never calling in sick, please come back soon.
