Monday, January 5, 2009

Moving Abroad?

Much has happened since I last wrote. As most of you know, Zack has taken and passed the bar and has just been temping at a local law firm, with no real job prospects in the future. Week after week it's been the same...mailing out resumes and making phone calls, but no interviews.

Until a few weeks ago a friend from Virginia sent Zack a message about a job opportunity teaching at Handong University in the Law School in Pohang, South Korea. Zack and I are both extremely excited about the opportunity! We love to travel and wouldn't miss the chance at living in another country and experiencing another culture and everything that comes along with that. We've made the decision together to move forward with this and see where it takes us. We're young and not tied down with a house or why not?!

In the past week Zack has had a phone interview, a video conference call with three professors in Korea, and just yesterday got a call that they're flying him out to North Carolina to meet the Dean for lunch! So..things are looking more and more promising. The position would be for Zack to teach Research & Writing in a small classroom setting...helping students on a one-on-one basis. He's perfect for the job as he's had A's in research and writing, and had a paper published last year in the Regent Law School Journal. He's always wanted to teach at some point, and this would be great for him in his career.

Looking back at the past few months, we both wonder why he hadn't gotten any return phone calls or interviews..and maybe it's all because of this opportunity in Korea. It's hard to know right now what's going to happen, or even the reasoning behind things that have and haven't happened..but God really knows the desires of our hearts and that he will lead the way.

I'm very excited about this..and hope that those of you who read this are excited as well! Please pray with us that this will work out if it's God's will! Thanks for your support and encouragment.

Will keep you updated! :)


Anonymous said...

If dean decides to hire him that would be great. We would love to have you guys in our big global handong family.

You would be more than welcomed.
Handong is a great place.
We will keep you in our prayers.

Jessica and Joe said...

Good luck! That sounds like a great opportunity!!