I just wanted to post something to paint a better picture of what some of the little quirks of Korea are (for me personally). And if nothing more..than to just write these down for myself since they make me chuckle and so I don't forget the funny little things looking back on this time years from now.
1. There are a ridiculous amount of tiny shops in the downtown shopping area. And by "tiny" I mean..8'x8'. There's one in particular that strikes me as just silly. It's a kid's shoe store..and I was in the coffee shop directly across from it one day, and noticed there were 6 employees working there. There was hardly any room for one customer to enter the shop. What's the point of having that many people work there when they only sold like 20 pairs of shoes?!
2. Being a passenger here is pretty scary. I can't imagine driving here. I find myself tensing up a lot, and pushing my foot down on the floor as if there were a brake pedal there. Bus drivers are the worst. I think they have to be clinically insane to pass the bus driving test. The one thing I don't get though, is how red lights seem to be optional. I've been in friends' cars and just as the light turns yellow, they slow down a bit..then the light turns red and they just glide through the intersection as if the red light just meant to be cautious. It's pretty scary. Oh, and motorcycles and mopeds apparently don't have to abide by any driving rules whatsoever. So that's pretty safe for everyone involved.....
3. I always knew fashion was always huge in Asia..and so far ahead of everything back West..but I just don't understand how some of these women can pull off what they wear. I could literally blindfold myself and pick out a skirt and a t-shirt, a cardigan and some of the highest heels and be set. It would not matter if it looked good or not..apparently anything can look good in Korea. Even a weird sweatpants jumpsuit and super high heels.

The other thing is the heels. Probably 9 out of 10 Korean women you see are wearing heels..and very high heels at that. You can tell they're in pain, and they walk very slowly, but they will never give up the heels. I'm a girl, I like high heels, but I like my feet too...and my ankles. I'd like to be able to walk when I'm old. When I was in massage school the teachers told us horror stories of older women and their feet now, and how they used to wear heels when they were younger and how they wished they never did! I also have an irrational fear that if I wear too high of heels my ankle will just snap. And I also like to be able to walk comfortably and not have to grimace and wonder when I can sit down and give my feet a rest!
4. Zack always tells me that I should just ignore them, and that it's just their job, but I hate when I enter a store and an employee immediately follows me around. I feel uneasy and it's hard for me to relax and just browse. I know they are there to help you with sizes and whatnot, and even in grocery stores they are there to put your produce in the bag for you. I just don't like it.
5. As the summer is quickly approaching, the air is getting more and more humid. Zack and I can't stand humidity, and I'm pretty sure I'll be in our apartment a lot this summer with the AC on full blast. One thing I don't understand about Koreans is how they can wear sweaters and suits and not sweat!! I start sweating just seeing them, thinking about how hot they must be. I was on the bus the other day, packed in like a sardine...standing up at the back of the bus all

crowded in, and sweating. I was miserable, but thankful that the bus ride was only 15 minutes back to school. I kept wiping my face and neck..and I was noticing how none of the students were sweating like I was! The air wasn't on, and almost all of the windows were closed. My theory is that everyone is dehydrated, and that's the reason they don't sweat so much. Korean don't drink water! They're always drinking sports drinks, sugary-yogurt type pick-me-up drinks if you're tired, soda, and juice. Hopefully it will be a short summer!
*I know I am making many generalizations here. And I know not everyone will agree with me, but please don't think I am being degrading or looking down upon Korean people when I make these observations. It's purely all in the name of fun.
Hola K & Z - Well i just wanted to let you guys know about great news @ the hawks team, Laura is expecting a baby!!!
So what's new in Korea? Have fun guys!
I liked it all, very entertaining. ;)
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